科林 O ' reilly博士

Director, Menard 家庭 经济调查研究所



经济学 & 金融-商业
竖琴-哈珀学生生活中心 & 学习——Harper 4022

科林 O ' reilly博士

Director, Menard 家庭 经济调查研究所


科林 O’Reilly is an 副教授 of 经济学 in the 海德商学院 at 皇冠体育博彩大学 和 is also a scholar in the 经济调查研究所. 2014年,科林获得博士学位.D. in economics from Suffolk University where he studied economic development 和 violent conflict. His research on institutions 和 economic development has been published in 世界发展 受到经济. 科林 has also published cross-country studies on economic growth 和 inequality in 实证经济学 和 公共选择


  • 制度与经济发展






  • 发展研究杂志
    瑞安H. 墨菲, 科林 O'Reilly The Expansive Corridor: Testing Acemoglu 和 Robinson (2019)
    59(7), p. 1060-1075 2023
  • 企业家精神与公共政策杂志
    科林 O'Reilly, Barriers to entry, entrepreneurship 和 income inequality within the USA
    11(4), p. 332-356 2022
  • 受到经济
    O ' reilly,科林, 瑞安H. 墨菲 An Index Measuring State Capacity, 17892018
    89(335), p. 713-745 2022
  • 欧洲政治经济学杂志
    Chambers, Dustin, Regulation 和 income inequality in the United States 2021
  • 公共选择
    Chambers, Dustin 和 O ' reilly,科林, The Economic Theory of Regulation 和 Inequality 2021
  • 公共选择与公共财政杂志
    Haveman, 斯科特和奥莱利, 科林, Tax 政策 和 Charitable Giving: An Evaluation of the Tax Cuts 和 工作 Act of 2017 和 Its Impact on Charitable Contributions 2021
  • 转型经济学 和 Institutional Change
    O ' reilly,科林, Violent Conflict 和 Institutional Change
    29(2), p. 257-317 2021
  • 金融季刊 & 会计
    Manish G.P. 和 O ' reilly,科林, Financial Regulation 和 Income Inequality
    53(3), p. 33-52 2020
  • 卡托杂志
    墨菲, Ryan 和 O ' reilly,科林, Assessing State Capacity Libertarianism
    40(3), p. 735-767 2020
  • 应用经济学快报
    资本主义的拥护者? 国家领导人和机构渠道
    27(8) , p. 647-650 2020
  • 区域分析杂志 & 政策
    Entry Regulations 和 Income Inequality at the Regional Level
    49(1), p. 31-39 2019
  • 实证经济学
    应用ing Panel Vector Autoregression to Institutions, Human Capital, 和 Output
    57, p. 1633-1652 2019
  • 公共选择
    Banking regulation regulatory capture 和 inequality
    180(1), p. 145-164 2019
  • 经济期刊观察
    And the IMF Said, Let There Be Data, 和 There Was Data: Private Capital Stocks in the Eastern Bloc
    15(3) , p. 290-300 2018
  • 发展政策检讨
    36(5) , p. 561-576 2018
  • 比较经济学研究
    59(3), p. 243-260 2017
  • 当代经济政策
    Do Institutions Mitigate the Risk of Natural Conflicts?  
    35(3), p. 532-541 2017
  • 应用经济学快报
    Civil War 和 Economic Growth: The Case for a Closer Look at Forms of Monilization 
    23第15期,页. 1057-1061 2016
  • 欧洲政治经济学杂志
    40, p. 31-41 2015
  • 世界发展
    Household Recovery from Internal Displacement in Northern Ug和a
    76, p. 203-215 2015
  • 转型经济学
    Firm Investment Decisions in Post-Conflict Context
    23-4, p. 717-751 2015
  • 比较经济学研究
    Institutions 和 Investment in Post Civil War Recovery 
    56-1, p. 1-24 2014
  • Niederjohn米.S.C. (2019) Integrating the Economic Way of Thinking into US 历史 Courses. 地点:J厅.劳森K. (编)经济学教学. 施普林格. -0001
  • 欧洲法律与经济杂志
    瑞安H. 墨菲, 科林 O'Reilly Freedom through taxation: the effect of fiscal capacity on the rule of law -0001


  • 进入壁垒, Entrepreneurship 和 Inequality within the United States Association for Private Enterprise Education Conference 2022 2022
  • 妇女的财产权, Factors of Production 和 Economic Growth Southern 经济学 Association Conference 2021 2021
  • 妇女的财产权 和 Economic Growth Western 经济学 Association Virtual Conference 2021 2021
  • "Developing the Bottom Billion from the Bottom Up" Invited Public Talk at Emerson College in Boston, MA 2020
  • "Violent Conflict 和 Institutional Change" Southern 经济学 Association Conference. 佛罗里达州坦帕2019
  • "A Strong US Economy with Risks Around Every Corner" Public Talk to 会计 & Financial Women's Alliance - 奥马哈市东北 (November 2019) 2019
  • "On Track or 关于 to Derail: A Strong Economy with Risks Around Every Corner" Keynote Address at Union Pacific Executive Forum. (奥马哈,东北)2019
  • "Financial Regulation 和 Income Inequality" Mini-conference for the Quarterly Journal of 会计 和 Finance - 经济调查研究所, 皇冠体育博彩大学(2019年7月
  • "Developing the Bottom Billion from the Bottom Up" (Young Scholar) Mont Pelerin Society - Texas (May 2019) 2019
  • "Assessing Economic Underst和ing in US 历史" Association of Private Enterprise Education Conference (April 2019) 2019
  • "Violent Conflict 和 Institutional Change" Association of Private Enterprise Education Conference (April 2019) 2019
  • "Oil Rents 和 State Economic 政策" Association of Private Enterprise Education Conference (April 2019) 2019
  • Southern 经济学 Association (November 2018) Presented: Can War Foster Institutional Change? 2018
  • Christopher Newport University (April 2018)Presented: Top Down or Bottom Up? Which Institutions Matter for Economic Development? 2018
  • Association of Private Enterprise Education Conference (April 2018)Presented: Civil War 和 Institutional ChangePresented: Assessing the Economic Way of Thinking 2018
  • Eastern Economic Association Conference (March 2018)Presented: Civil War 和 Institutional Change 2018
  • Southern Economic Association (November 2017)Presented: Oil Rents 和 State Economic 政策 2017
  • 爱默生学院(2017年10月.A. 哈耶克的现代遗产2017